What can you expect from our Counselling sessions?
We work with a flexible 12 sessions format, that are lead by the client's needs. The outline below is a broad overview.
Sessions 1 - 3

These sessions are generally based around engagement, building trusting relationships between you the client, myself as your counsellor and the Emotional Support Dog and an assessment of your individual situation.
I discuss the Counselling Contract in detail with you to ensure that you're knowledgable about the service being offered to you and that you agree to the conditions. This is a perfect time for you to ask questions to alleviate any possible worries or concerns that you might have. With support, you identify areas that are problematic (why you've come to counselling) and need to be changed, prioritising them and collaboratively developing/writing counselling goals to achieve over the coming sessions. A Individual Counselling Plan is written for you with the expectation that there is a 3 weekly review in the form of a questionnaire that you can fill in on evaluating the counselling service you're receiving. As a result adjustments can be made at any point in time to your Plan.
Sessions 4 - 9
These sessions are generally based around interventions, strategies & techniques for you to implement as you work towards achieving your goals.
These can be activities to help you learn new strategies/techniques for managing your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. The Emotional Support Dog plays a key role in supporting you to learn about topics eg behaviour management, mood, anxiety, social skills, communication skills, self-esteem, and empathy.

Sessions 10 - 12

These sessions are generally reserved for your client feedback and review, discussion on how skills learnt can be transferred to other areas of your life as well as addressing any ongoing or new issues you may have.
It's always important that you have ample opportunity to close/end the relationship with the counsellor and the Emotional Support Dog.

What does a Life in Transition Coaching session look like?

Coaching sessions are held online or over the phone.
In the early sessions we work together to establish where you are and define what you want to get out of the Coaching. After some exploration you set goals which are essential so you know what direction your heading
We brainstorm options and possibilities for your action plan. This is an essential part of coaching as you identify possible ways of moving forward.
At each session you create and commit to your action plan for the upcoming period
We talk on a regular basis (usually weekly) to evaluate and discuss your progress
We celebrate your successes and delve deeper into the areas where you are not moving forwards.
During each session I listen, ask questions, challenge and support you, offering feedback and observations as necessary. I operate as a neutral observer to help you grow
Sometimes we might focus in on a particular area during a session
Life Coaching keeps you focused and holds you accountable as you take steps towards who you want to be and the life you want to have. Most importantly, coaching is your sacred 'you-time' to look forward to each week.
During your Life Coaching sessions, your coach will be implementing many techniques from the Co-Active coaching model, where the goals and focus areas for the coaching session, come from the client. Client's set the agenda for the coaching relationship and each coaching session. That's their responsibility.
It is the coach's responsibility to determine what coaching approach to take.
In coaching, our primary responsibility is to help clients determine their best course of action and support them in staying on track, helping them uncover the learning for themselves so that they become more resourceful over time rather than more dependent on the coach for answers. It is the coaches job to empower the client.