Brighter Life Coaching & Counselling with Emotional Support Dogs
Life is a journey that begins with self-discovery

How you can achieve your goals when working with a Life Coach?
Perhaps you can identify with .....

Are you experiencing one of the following?
You prioritise yourself last
You have family issues
No clear vision or life mission
Have taken on board someone else's goals
Experiencing age barriers
Being the hero
Having the "one day...."syndrome
Stuck in a life rut
Overwhelmed with too many goals
Stuck by material trappings
Don't have enough time
Involved with energy drainers
You might be thinking,
"What can Coaching do for me?"

Life coaching can help you ....
Get unstuck from a problem or nagging issue.
Create more time and reduce stress
Find calm and inner peace
Gain clarity and focus.
Create more balance and happiness
Improve relationships
Find freedom!
Create more ease
Find or become the authentic you
Gain self confidence
Coaching is about focusing on POSSIBILITY not Probability – try new things, take risks, get out of your comfort zone and soar!
Ultimately, Coaching helps you see you are the expert on your life; it’s about YOU designing YOUR future.
Are you asking yourself,
"Am I ready to be Coached?

Only you know the answer to this question. If you have HAD ENOUGH of the way things are and are READY to make a change then you could benefit from coaching.
Ask yourself.......Are you READY to explore yourself – the wonderful, unique and exciting you?
COACHING WORKS for anyone committed to change and ready to put in the effort. Are you willing to be honest with yourself? Open to a better future and ready to believe in yourself? Willing to adopt a more positive outlook on life? Are you truly committed to change and prepared to work at it? Are you ready to be accountable for your life, decisions and actions?​
Because nothing changes if nothing changes. You alone can be responsible for your results in life and your success depends on your commitment and willingness to change.