Why choose Brighter Life Coaching & Counselling with Emotional Support Dogs?
You will be working with a professional, dedicated to the care of others whilst incorporating unique techniques that support and encourage the human-animal bond . Eleanor will be helping and supporting you to reach your desired goals in life and to be a happier, healthier individual who knows their strengths and can transfer learnt skills from counselling or coaching into other areas of life, particularly when challenges arise. Eleanor, has the specialised skills to do this job, including empathy, discretion, patience, compassion, encouragement, self-awareness, open-mindedness, flexibility and being a good listener and communicator. She is able to share common attributes, offer empathetic support and understanding, in a caring, comforting manner. Eleanor's own personal life experiences/story have provided her with the ability to genuinely connect with clients and understand at a deeper level their struggles and life challenges and how this can impact on our ability to accept life's challenges. The work she does with clients is what she continues to do for herself each day and that's to continue to grow and prosper as an individual.
​What exactly does a Counsellor do?
Counsellors help people who are facing problems eg having difficulties with specific life events or transitions to the next stage of life, financial stress, domestic violence, divorce or relationship breakups, trauma, loss and grief, family relationship breakdowns, anxiety, depression, drug and alcohol addiction.
​What exactly does a Life Coach do?
A Life Coach helps clients move in the right direction towards achieving their life goals. By engaging in purposeful conversations, coaches help clients cut through the noise and reach the core of the issues they're facing. They inspire clients to live the life they want and live through the parts they don't.
Do you only offer counselling to clients with the Emotional Support Dog or can I see you without them?
I am available to counsel you either with or without the Emotional Support Dog. It is entirely up to you as to how, when and where you would like to have your counselling sessions. The service that is offered to you is based on "flexibility". Note all Life Coaching sessions are Online.
What about confidentiality?
During our first session I will discuss this in more detail, however Counsellors & Coaches are required to obtain client informed consent to inform you about the service you are going to engage with as well as respecting client confidentiality and the limits to the confidentiality.
How long will I need to participate in counselling before I feel better?
This is very much dependent upon you, your concerns/ issue, the strategies/ techniques offered (practice, implementation), set-backs or barriers to growth and change, frequency of participation in sessions.
What's the difference between a counsellor, psychologist and a psychiatrist?
A Psychiatrist is a medical doctor who has completed additional training in Psychiatry. They can diagnose a mental health issue and prescribe any necessary medication. A Psychologist holds a Masters Degree in Psychology and are qualified to diagnose mental health issues (not prescribe medication). A Counsellor holds a variety of qualifications-Diploma, Bachelor, Masters and is a person who you talk to so they can help you overcome difficulties in your life and make the changes you want to make.
What are your hours?
Monday to Friday 9am-6pm. Possible Saturday's 9am-2pm (specifically requested).
How often do I need counselling?
This is your therapy and you get to choose. If you're in crisis, then it would be recommended that we meet
once a week until things are more stable for you. Once the crisis has passed, we can move to every fortnight or even monthly. It depends on what each client chooses for themselves as well as what is in their best interest therapeutically. The goal is for you to grow and change, feel better and re-engage with your life in a positive way.
Will there be in between session activities to complete?
More than likely yes there will be. Don't panic! It's not a pass/fail exercise. It is important that the skills and techniques we learn about during your Counselling/Coaching sessions are put into practise by you in real life situations. If you don't feel they were successful, then we need to look at why they weren't, what can be done differently next time and or what other strategies might work better for you.

Do you have a Client Policy?
Clients with Brighter Life Coaching & Counselling with Emotional Support Dogs:
Feel a positive connection to me. Feel I'm someone they can trust, feel that I have created for them a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space.*
Respect my profession and the work I do.
Keep returning to Counselling/Coaching with me, recommend me to friends, family, work colleagues, via a variety of mediums.
Make me feel energised and be a reason why I love what I do.
Provide constructive, thoughtful feedback on my services. Offer realistic suggestions on ways I can improve for them as well as future clients.
Be open, receptive, honest with themselves and the process, commit to the journey ahead, ready to engage, want to make changes and grow as an individual.
Understand our respective roles as Counsellor/Coach and client.
Practice at home activities. Reflect, discuss, make changes, try again, Not to give up!
Connect to their goals, feel ownership over them, celebrate the wins!
Attend all scheduled sessions, be "present" and participate.
Make emotional connection with the Emotional Support Dog (Counselling face to face), be relaxed and open to the human-animal bond.