Brighter Life Coaching & Counselling with Emotional Support Dogs, helps people
who are anxious and feeling overwhelmed by their life transitions, as well as those wanting to create a new future by focusing on personal discovery, awareness and choice. Our practice is about supporting you to better cope with change and to walk with confidence through the challenging seasons of life.
What we offer our client's
By engaging in either of our two services, Life Transition Counselling or Life Coaching, you can have the advantage of an outside perspective. You can fully process your emotions and experiences, develop coping skills as well as developing and aligning your future goals and life mission. You'll find new solutions that allow you to come out the other side of your life transition, feeling positive going forward into your future.
As your dedicated Life Transition Counsellor or Life Coach, we'll be there to support you by keeping you focused on the results you're working towards achieving and remind you why achieving your goals is essential. It's our role to keep you motivated towards your commitments as well as acting as a sounding board whilst empowering you to find the answers for yourself.
What makes our practice unique is that during face to face Counselling sessions we are able to offer you an additional personalised experience of having one of our Emotional Support Dog's to provide you with tenderness and unconditional support. We know and understand how the presence of a support dog can enhance clients involvement and participation during their counselling sessions.
​At Brighter Life Coaching & Counselling with Emotional Support Dogs we believe that together we can turn your life event into a time of meaning and growth. Instead of looking at these pivotal times in your life as something you reluctantly and silently endure, together we can shift that mindset to seeing them for what they are....
Opportunities to revisit and revise your life story.

Our Speciality
Our area of speciality in Life Transition Counselling is working with clients who are affected by life transitions that negatively impact on their self-worth, increase stress & anxiety levels, affect relationships, and increase the likelihood of depression or exacerbating pre-existing depression/trauma. Life transitions are about an individuals "lifetime" and the development that takes place at every stage of their journey. Its about how their life moves on and unfolds. We work with clients by supporting them to move smoothly through the "ending-then-beginning" pattern that represents how each of us grows and changes by understanding not only what is happening but why, when, and how it is happening."
Our area of speciality in Life Coaching is working with clients to create a vision of the future that they want and then support them in pursuing it. We work with clients to empower them to maximise their full potential as they move through life transition events, to become more competent and self-reliant and to keep the focus on how they can achieve their life goals by creating a positive partnership where we co-create their path forward.
What Counselling & Coaching services
are available to you?

Mobile Counselling
Mobile Counselling within a 15 km radius of Moorebank, NSW
in your private home or other agreed upon venue eg local park

Walk and Talk Counselling Session
Walk and Talk Counselling Within a 15 km radius of Moorebank, NSW around the area close to your home or a mutually agreeable venue eg local park or nature reserve.

Online Counselling or Coaching appointments
(not with Emotional Support Dog unless requested)

Phone Call Counselling or Coaching
Counselling or Coaching Phone Call Sessions
Coaching Workshops
Workshop Presentation. See our Facebook or
Instagram for specific workshop details.
-Workshop 1: Coaching through Micro Transitions
-Workshop 2: Discover Your Life Purpose
-Workshop 3: Rewrite Your Life Story
-Workshop 4: Coping with Change
-Workshop 5: Early Learning: Transitioning your child
into the first years of schooling. (Preschool-Kindergarten)
-Workshop 6: Middle Years: Transitioning your child
from Primary School to High School

Note: Counselling practices in Australia do not fall under the support of Medicare, therefore clients pay full fee.
Counsellors do not require a referral or Mental Health Care Plan from your GP to book an appointment.
While working with you in Life Transition Coaching & Counselling we will be incorporating
techniques & theories from the following:
→ Life Transition and Change
→ Animal Assisted Therapy
→ Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
→ Relationships and Communication
→ Person-Centred Therapy
→ Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
→ Positive Psychology and Wellbeing
→ Solution Focused Therapy
→Gestalt Coaching
→ Co-Active Coaching

"Animals are the bridge between us and the beauty of all that is natural. They show us what's missing in our lives, and how to love ourselves more completely and unconditionally. They connect us back to who we are, and to the purpose of why we're here."
- T Mccagh
Need help now?
If you are in immediate danger of harming yourself, call triple zero (000).
If you are needing to talk with someone immediately the helplines and services below are available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
* Lifeline (anyone having a personal crisis) call 13 11 14 or chat online.
* Suicide Call Back Service (anyone thinking about suicide) call 1300659 467
* Beyond Blue (anyone feeling depressed or anxious) call 1300 22 4636 or chat online.